by esero | Jul 20, 2023 | 8 - 12 years, Educational material Primary school, New experiments on rockets, lunar mobiles and materials, News, News Unterrichtsmaterialien
Ressources Indoor activity Matières: Technology, Science, Design Âge: 8 – 12 years Duration: 2 hours Resources Don’t hesitate to ask for our kit with the extension so that your students can discover the answer to this question. We’d be happy to lend...
by esero | Jul 20, 2023 | 8 - 12 years, Educational material, Educational material Primary school
Ressources Matières: Science, mathematics, time management Âge: 8-12 ans Difficulté: medium Documents pour élèves et enseignants Inspire your students with astronomy in C3 and C4! This resource deals with mankind’s oldest science: astronomy. It is deeply rooted...
by esero | Jan 6, 2021 | cansat, cansat
Students will learn to The basic knowledge required in order to assemble and perform CanSat’s Primary Mission How sensors work: thermistor & atmospheric pressure sensor Basic electronics: Ohm’s law How to collect data from a resistance based sensor – using a...
by esero | Jan 5, 2021 | cansat, cansat
To understand how everyday devices like mobile phones, routers and satellites work, we need to understand what radio waves are and how we can transmit information with them. Radio communication is one of the key elements in our CanSat. All the data needed for our...
by esero | Jan 5, 2021 | cansat, cansat, Kodieren auf der Internationalen Raumstation
Students will explore technology used in space through the Arduino tool. They will build circuits to blink an LED and to measure temperature, pressure and altitude. The basics of programming in C++ will be introduced using the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development...